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Democrats Unleash Chinese-Style Social Credit Score
Well, that didn’t take long. Just a few days after peaceful protesters voiced their displeasure over the certification of Joe Biden’s fake electoral college votes, the minority “rulers” in our country are turning us into China. They are already imposing a social credit score on Trump supporters, assembling lists of bad-thinkers, and making moves to ensure that normal people are as miserable as possible under their benevolent bootheels.
In order to make sure we have lots of unity and healing in our nation, Trump supporters will have to be reeducated in special camps!
The sad, low-testosterone Never Trump putzes at The Lincoln Project have already started to make a list of people who have either worked for or supported the Trump administration. They’re going to track Trump supporters and make their whereabouts known on a public database. That way, decent firms that make regular donations to Black Lives Matter and Antifa will know not to hire Trump supporters down the road.
“We are constructing a database of Trump officials & staff that will detail their roles in the Trump administration & track where they are now,” announced The Lincoln Project. Nothing creepy or totalitarian about that!
The perpetually sad, overweight and sexually inadequate Lincoln Project employees who have never kissed a girl continued: “They will be held accountable & not allowed to pretend they were not involved.”
Are you sure you’re going far enough there, Lincoln Project wimps? Sure, that plan might make their lives difficult professionally. It’s obvious that you’re trying to ensure that Trump supporters can no longer feed their families or have jobs. But how does that protect the rest of us from Trump supporters? For example, what if a Trump supporter tries to go to the grocery store?
You know what your plan needs, Lincoln Project? Perhaps something a little more obvious. How about forcing Trump supporters to wear a Star of David patch on their arm – or maybe a tattoo on their wrist? You know, some sort of physical identifier, so that we can keep even better track of Trump supporters?
I’m obviously joking, but unfortunately, the Democrats are not joking about this crap. Airlines have added hundreds of Trump supporters who were in DC for the peaceful Capitol march last week to the No-Fly List. That’s directly out of Communist China’s “social credit system,” which tech companies like Facebook and Google actually helped the ChiComs to implement on their citizens.
Forbes magazine – Forbes, for crying out loud! – has also jumped on the Destroy All Trump Supporters Bandwagon. Forbes has issued a warning that any company that dares to hire a known Trump supporter will receive “extra scrutiny” from Forbes’ investigative journalists. Forbes declares that all Donald Trump supporters are “liars” and therefore, they will assume that any firm that hires them must be lying to the public about something. In other words, if you know what’s good for your business, you had better not hire anyone who supports Donald Trump or his America First policies.
Simon & Schuster was going to publish a forthcoming book written by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO). But after Hawley objected to the certification of Joe Biden’s fake electoral college votes in six states, Simon & Schuster canceled Hawley’s book contract.
Simon & Schuster declared that it could not publish Hawley’s book due to his role in the “deadly insurrection” at the US Capitol. Ummm…do they know that Senator Hawley wasn’t at the march or the ensuing Capitol break in? He literally didn’t participate.
The peaceful protests were a “dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom,” according to Simon & Schuster. Therefore, no American should be able to read a book written by a sitting United States Senator. Likewise, that Senator should not be able to derive any income from said unpublished books. Hawley says he’s going to sue Simon & Schuster, but with the way the courts have behaved in America the past two months, his situation isn’t looking real hopeful. He’d probably be better off looking for another publisher. Just don’t tell Forbes.
They’ve told us for the past five years that Donald Trump is “Literally Hitler” and that his supporters are “Nazis.” And to prove it, now that they’re in power, the left is ready to track, suppress and cancel all of us. Here’s an alternate plan:
How about if all of you Democrats kiss our a** and we will say and do what we want as Americans?
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According to the newly formed Anti-American COMMUNIST Party in congress (was known as democrats) Just a few days after peaceful protesters voiced their displeasure over the certification of Joe Biden’s fake electoral college votes, the minority “rulers” in our country are turning us into China. They are already imposing a social credit score on Trump supporters, assembling lists of bad-thinkers, and making moves to ensure that normal people are as miserable as possible under their benevolent boot heels.
In order to make sure we have lots of unity and healing in our nation, Trump supporters will have to be REEDUCATED IN SPEACIAL CAMPS! Just like Adolf Hitler did to the Jew. This is their UNITY FOR AMERICANS. Past time to lock and load on any communist turds that tries to confined true Americans to these camps!!!!
They’re going to track Trump supporters and make their whereabouts known on a public database. That way, decent firms that make regular donations to Black Lives Matter and Antifa will know not to hire Trump supporters down the road. These TERRORIST groups will be helping these Jackass Communist round up true American and under the order of the newly formed Communist party they can kill anyone who refuse or not to comply. We need to fight for our Independents and our Rights under the our Constitution. USMC
Did I fall asleep and wake up in China or Russia?????????
Where is our democracy??? Free speech, etc, etc., etc.
Conservatives must get strong and fight fire with fire. Start keeping lists of leftists and Rinos who supported Biden and do unto them as they have done and continue to do unto us. Stacey Abrams and Mitt Romney can top the list. Them everyone involved in the Russia collusion hoax from Obama to Convey and Clapper and all the rest.
Since these rhinos have been so vocal and visible, we won’t have trouble finding them. Too bad we can’t do to them as they are doing to us, but that’s not the American way. But we can continue to voice our outrage and anger on anyplace that hasn’t omitted us from their space. Free speech is going, going gone. I figured they would take their play book from China since they were complicit in the virus getting out and spreading everywhere. Now that they have what they wanted, to take over our country and run it according to their rules, we’ll see how that works.
Guess it should not too much of a surprise that SCOTUS would not stand with the CONSTITUTION because it would be election interference.
terrifying time
I can’t believe we have such sick people in Goverment….The Bible says the Republicans will win…we must not give up…he is sending his best angels….It will be a long fight but we will win……
Your Democrat “score card” is BOGUS GARBAGE and you can “SHOVE IT”! One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump and His Allies 2020 – MAGA.
Excuse me, but why haven’t the OATH KEEPERS, the so-called Minutemen groups, and all the other Constitutional Defenders and Patriot groups and organizations risen up in open rebellion by now? what are you guys waiting for, for socialism/communism to get fully entrenched? And, why hasn’t President Trump in acted the Insurgency Act? if he waits until inauguration Day, it will be too late. All I ever read or hear on-line, is how all of the patriot groups have all the plans. and how Trump has all these plans to spring on the leftists to round them up and bring them to justice, but where is the action?
I for one am tired of being referred to as a Nazi or kkk member. We are the same type of people who came to this country wanting a place to call home where they could live how they wanted, openly express and debate ideas, raise their children how they wanted, worship how they wanted and own a business or property that would belong solely to them. They wanted to breathe free air and so do we. They fought for freedom and so will we. We are not Nazis; you are. We are not the kkk; you are that too. We are freedom fighters like our ancestors before us. Call us that or don’t call us anything at all. Regardless just leave us alone and let us be free. 🇺🇸
What in the name of anything rational is this insanity by the Dems to unleash a Chinese style “Social Credit Store” on their people! What on earth prompted such a suggestion? Whose idiotic idea was this? And What are the Reps going to do to stop it?? Lastly, who ever gave these Dems to right to promote such a concept!
Chairman Mao would be proud of the dems.
All this is going to turn on them please give $1.oo to the demorats shovel fund. That way they can dig there own graves. That tax payers money want have to pay for. Seems they keep pushing till they get what is going to cost them dearly in the end. All the PARASITE’S IN CONGRESS and around the country must go ,don’t you get it you and your kind mean nothing to WE THE PEOPLE OF TRUE AMERICA. You will get a few of us but in the end we will WIN. What pushes you is GREED,POWER AND CONTROL OVER EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING NOT GOOD us PRIDE of being a AMERICA OUR WAY OF LIFE AND OUR COUNTRY. WE LOVE IT you hate everything AMERICA STANDS FOR. When the dust settles WE WIN you lose. Oh I almost forgot ya’ll have fun in hell.
I would ask if the communists thought this through but we all know the don’t think at all. Personally I think it’s a great plan. It won’t take long for those companies hiring only left wing communists to go broke. It will be hard to get those gamers our of Mom and Dads basement much before noon.
How, if I am silent about who I voted for, are they going to know?
let’s all buy a bunch of rope and have at it we can make a bunch of human windchimes
I am told that due to an accident of birth I am a racist and by opinion I am a Nazi. This is a great way to unite people. My social credit score is already low and I am sad to see America die. Does anyone have the address of the resistance?
Sir is the term Kenite the true word for Dems???
Years ago I wrote a poem called Slaves Without Chains, then a Novel, warning everyone what was about to happen. And now the cat is out of the bag. The News Media, and Big Tech, have joined forces and have created a gigantic Monopoly. They got rid of Trump. Now they want to put us in our place. We are to be subservient to them. We are to be slaves, and they have chosen to be our master. It was a slow process, but now it is near completion. Communism is here. It is real, and it is scary. Oppression will be common place. Freedom may not be ours again until Christ comes to claim his own.
I read a lot of the “replies” in the articles I read daily(none of which are MSM or Libtard media) and see multiple comments about how this should happen, or that should happen, this should be, not fair, etc. etc. and nowhere do I read about how we are going to change the system. Since Gropy Joe and KamalToe are going to allow upwards of 20 million new “undocumented citizens” which will be closer to 60 million and thus all demoncrap voters, plus two new states and putting 3-7 new judges on the SCOTUS. Just exactly how are we to take our nation back?? There are only two ways I can see, 1. we overwhelm the state assemblies by legally electing conservatives and changing state election laws to eliminate any irregularities and require ballots to only be printed in English. 2. Start a peaceful movement to split the nation into blue and red States and give citizens the choice of where to live. I realize that this option would cause a lot of upheaval and cost but it will depend on how strongly you believe in FREEDOM!
I wonder while all these migrants flow to the border where they will sleep, eat and shower? Guess since Nancy Pelosi likes it they can fit some in her house and bake some cookies. Maybe Antifa and BLM can come over and discuss how great Little Joe was to LetEm In, by Paul McCartney. Free Healthcare, Jobs and since we already have homeless, maybe all the Trump Supporters can give up their job, house and everything else for them. Can I least keep my gym membership?
The NWO Made War on Americans that believe in Americans way of Freedom, Liberty, Law, Justice, Honesty.
Now these are DIRTY WORDS but Slavery is ok as THAT is The Plan Total Slavery of every person on this Earth.
Will words make it better? Will excepting new Slavers rules make better? Will the politicians that were not voted into office by the people make better?
So the people can see their is only one choice left to them DESTROY THE ENEMY……
Ya just lay down Americans and let everything you hold dear destroyed = Poverty, Hungry, Homeless, Car Less, No Voice as not allowed, All Freedom Gone, All Liberties Gone.
What is left will be Anger, Violence, The Burning Down of Buildings, The Destruction of America.
This is what happens when FOOLS ARE IN CONTROL, Especially Socialist Communist Scum. Sons Of Satin For Sure!
Democrat/Republican democracy = totalitarianism
AMEN!! The problem is that they will never leave us alone. There will probably be a time when we will need to fight in order to either regain or keep our freedoms. I pray that the military that I was proud to serve will serve the people of this country and disobey what would be asked of them(turn on your countrymen) from the liberal left. DC is a trial run I am sure.
Social scoring is done by Communist China. This only proves who and what they have been all along. RINOs and Dems who support China and have taken bribes from them to remain in power have to be arrested for treason and sedition. They’ve set up the system they want for the past 57 years or so in order to hijack America. No more freedom. NWO takes over and you become a complete slave to the elites. They don’t want our country to stand any longer; that’s what COVID and the election were all about. A coup. Hopefully, these people will all go to GITMO and face courts martials for what they’ve done… the true insurrectionists.
The problem with your two choices is simple. With them in charge now what is to stop them from packing the courts, turning a city into a state and making PR a state as well as getting rid of the electoral college. Once that is done we will no longer have a legal way to vote any of them out of office as they will control all that we see since appx 2 to 3 large states will control who gets into office.(remember NY and CA are demoncrap run) leaving no opening for any conservative ever again. #2 would probably only work through another civil war. There may be some help if could pull together a Convention of the States.
So glad I am in Texas. We can get out of the union and be free again.
I hear the Statue of Liberty will be torn down to be replaced by a statue of Peelousy with hammer held high. It will be called the Statue of Slavery.
Maybe we should get our own list of the project workers and find out where they live and where they go,just in case we need to use it.
Only the libs (and RINOs are libs only maybe worse) could be dumb enough to think that it would be a good idea to bring us all together at a camp for “re-training”. I kind of hope it actually happens, while we are at the camps it will give us the perfect opportunity to gather with “like-thinkers” and plan out the revolution. It also will give us some time to issue our re-tread of the Declaration of Independence!
The picture of Nancy made me hope that the gavel would slide out of her hand and clunk her in the head, and then I came to the realization that her head has been so firmly planted up her a$$ for so many years that there is no chance that the gavel could hit her head…
The last sentence of this article is most Patriot’s attitude! Kiss my ass Leftist Communists! The one thing those so stupid Democraps do not know is every last Patriots name or address; however, we know THEIRS commy dems….it’s on google and they even give you a MAP!
China owns the democrat party, like they own many large businesses here in America! They also own a enormous amount of land here in America! Under obama & biden the wealth of China’s leaders exploded, on We The People’s dime & jobs! The democrats & China are in cahoots to destroy America & put We The People in camps & use us as labor to build their utopia! We have a God given right to fight for our Freedom & America! Let’s Step Up as one voice & take down this evil that is spreading in America like a plague!
Should I just give you my address now? I will be expecting youy!!
Well here we go,the democrats are showing their true colors,Biden -Harris voters,how is it looking to you so far.You are next,the true patriot shall fight till death to protect his-her freedoms are the ninny pantsy waist socislist beleivers ready to die for their beliefs? I doubt that seriously,these people want everything for,free health and everyone thats working to pay their way. The free shit is OVER the working AMERICANS are tired of paying for lazy elite assholes.Educated, maybe but COMMON SENSE,hell no. No not all democrats are that stupid to not see what is happening to america. Stand up and let your voice be heard,loud and clear. Please if you want to protest,do not come to my home,i have very little tolerance for people telling me that they are going to take what took many years of hard work to attain, and certainly do not threaten my wife and family, then the shit will really hit the fan. SEMPER FI GOD BLESS AMERICA>
China owns the Democrat Party. They have been infiltrating the Democrat Party for over 20+ years. Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy driving for her for 20 years! We’ve had CCCP members infiltrate our college campuses, invade our industries and our politicians did nothing. Our major corporations liked the cheap labor of the Chinese slave camps and did nothing to upset that apple cart. Ever wonder why the big corporations and Wall Street support the Democrat Party even when the so-called Democrats castigate them? its because they are on the same side-against the American people. They know the Democrats are not going to tax their corporate profits or ruin their bottom line. And they hooked the gullible. Hope you like toe new Amerika.
Very dangerous times
I confess to being a Trump supporter, so take all my social credits and shove them up your a$$, Democrats.
So colluded with who ! We always knew that democrates colluded in everything they accused Trump of . They lied to America ! That says enough .
So very sad our nation is headed in the wrong direction. That must be the reason Beijing Biden wants all those form socialist and Communist countries to come here. Thinks he might have more dictatirorial powers.
Maybe we should give them a taste of their own medicine!!! peacefully protest Silicon Valley and then peacefully protest the democrat run state capital!!! WE THE PEOPLE MST SPEAK OUT NOW or lose or rights forever!!!!
My wife, and her parents escaped Communist Poland in the 1960s and came to the U.S.A. to gain freedom, and make a better life for themselves, which they did with no help from anyone but themselves. A t dinner last Christmas they said that “we escaped Communism, but NEVER thought it would follow them here”, but here it is. Brought by traitors in our own Government, just like it happened in Eastern Europe after WW-II. Pray to heaven that 2-A will never be needed, but it is looking much more likely. Scary times we really didnt need to see here!
“NAZI NANCY” seems to be heavily soaked in alcohol most of the time! Just apply fire, and light her up to drive back the darkness she wants to inflict on our precious U.S.A.
Relief is not on the way.. Democrats Reject Republican Attempts To Prevent Stimulus Checks From Going To Prisoners, Illegal Aliens. What’s on the way is financial disaster, higher taxes, more foolish spending, more corruption, check your cost of gas at the pump now, and folks it’s only going to get worse. The party that can’t govern is now in charge of purse strings, dictatorship economy is here bite the bullet, it’s all down hill from here until 2022. Have a president that’s not in control of his mental faculties, trying to put every degenerate he can find as part of his cabinet and socialist running things from the backroom. The crisis Biden has caused at the border is tearing our economy apart, instead of sending troops to our border Pelosi has need of protection from what her guilty conscience and being so anti-American. They are trying to change our election laws for the future. Hopefully we’ll see all these lifetime entitled Dems replaced in 2022.
Eating their own !
No 💩! Mao Zedong is alive and well in Foggy Bottom, USA 🇺🇸!
Your article is exactly right. All of the democrats, for this reason and many others, can kiss my ass! I will say what I want, anywhere and anytime I want!
Put me on your list you commies, here I am!
Can someone make thes a$$ holes go to a school and educate them what their oath of office means. Or have they already re-wrote it. All of this is a kick in the gonads for all the warrioirs fought and died for our flag and our constitutioin. Which was written by a goup that was more inteligent than thes POS.Also all of us that have proudly served in the military protecting these idots right to be stupid. WAKE UP AMEREICAN PATROITS, they are desstroying America.
God bless America flag while she still stands free and proud.