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Never-Trump Loser Proves Why True Americans Love Trump
The endless emotional meltdown of the Never-Trump neoconservative wing of the Republican Party is something that my grandfather would have described as a “hoot and a holler” to watch.
I can’t help but laugh every time these whiny losers who are upheld as the ‘True Conservative’ holders of ‘True Conservative’ thought for ‘True Conservatism’ get on TV and try to explain to us deplorables how Donald Trump is doing conservatism all wrong.
These losers would be perfectly happy to go back to Obama’s 30% real unemployment rate, a gutted manufacturing sector, and environmental regulations that would make the former Soviet Union blush, if only they could be taken seriously as ‘True Conservatives’ on CNN once again.
You know who I’m talking about: Bill Kristol. David French. Max Boot. Little Benny Shapiro.
The guys who call themselves conservatives, but who literally voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But the grand poohbah of the Never-Trump coalition – the true “elder statesman” of ‘True Conservatism’ — has got to be the Pulitzer Prize-winning George Will.
Liberals love that fake conservative so much that they actually gave him a Pulitzer once upon a time – you know, because the liberal media just loves true conservatism so much!
In his latest appearance on a liberal news media program, George Will says he wants Donald Trump to lose – badly – in 2020. In the perfect world imagined by “conservative” George Will, the Democrats would win the White House and maintain control of the House, with Republicans retaining control of the Senate.
This way, Will observes, Republicans under Mitch McConnell’s ‘True Conservative’ leadership would be able to “filibuster” any Democrat legislation. In other words, it would be better to return to living with an America-hating, Obama-style socialist in the White House than to continue for another four years of icky jobs and prosperity for America.
Under that nightmare scenario, Republicans and Democrats would once again be working on “bipartisan” legislation to turn things around in Washington. Hoo boy!
“Bipartisan,” for those who haven’t realized it yet, is a French term that literally means “Viagra for Mitch McConnell.”
With Trump out of office, McConnell controlling the Senate and Pelosi or Ocasio-Cortez controlling the House, it is an absolute certainty that an amnesty bill for the 50 million illegal aliens currently inside America would pass immediately.
But George Will is fine with that! When asked about his views on immigration, Will stated last week, “I’m for as much immigration as the economy can take. The economy needs immigration as much as the immigrants need the economy.”
Notice that you, your family, and a broader category of individuals known as “Americans” don’t factor into George Will’s ‘True Conservative’ view that the demographic destruction of the greatest nation on earth is somehow a good thing. Never mind the fact that immigration – both legal and illegal – remains the number one negative concern of voters heading into 2020.
Now that Americans have seen the truth, which is that immigration has been literally killing our jobs, housing rates, family structures, national IQ, and social cohesion for the past four decades, we are fed up. Donald Trump was our response to that.
Never-Trumpers like George Will are especially furious now that we finally see through their scam. We scratched our heads for years as George W. Bush – one of Will’s “besties for life” – continued to undermine actual conservative principles in favor of neocon, “Foreigners First” policies.
We were baffled when guys like John McCain and Mitt Romney somehow secured back-to-back Republican nominations for president. Was this really the best we could do? Was there anyone with a shot at the White House who would ever think and believe like real, everyday Americans?
There sure was! We elected him in 2016, much to the chagrin of George Will who clutched his bowtie and shrieked, “Well I never!”
George Will insists that America’s economic miracle is not “conservative” because Donald Trump is doing it all wrong. He would rather lose and have liberals in control.
If George Will’s ‘True Conservatism’ is really true conservatism, he can stick it in a bong with Bill Clinton and smoke it while not inhaling.
Like most regular Americans, I’d rather keep winning with Donald Trump than go back to the status quo that the Never-Trumpers are pining away for.

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