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Why Hasn’t Attorney General Barr Declassified Russiagate Yet?

It’s been more than six weeks since President Donald Trump gave Attorney General William Barr broad authority to begin declassifying all the documents related to Barack Obama’s illegal campaign spying operation in 2016.

Yet we still haven’t seen a single new page of information – not even a redacted page. What gives? Why hasn’t Attorney General Barr released anything yet?

There are two reasons.

The first is that President Trump is playing by a gentleman’s rules against a Deep State that has no more restraint than a pack of rabid junkyard dogs.

The President of the United States has constitutional and legislative authority as the head of the Executive branch to declassify any document that he wishes.

Trump is technically in charge of the intelligence agencies, so he could declassify all of the “Russiagate” documents tomorrow. And there’s not a single thing that Congress, the Supreme Court, the media or any other entity could do about it from a legal standpoint.

Despite media reports to the contrary (and the occasional Twitter outburst), President Trump has remained calm, cool and collected throughout the entire Russiagate saga. He didn’t interfere with the unjustified Mueller witch hunt and didn’t fire Mueller.

Trump seems to be relying on the system to deliver justice in the long run. As much as we’d all like to see him wade through the Deep State with a blowtorch in one hand and a lead pipe in the other, Trump is letting the process work as it should.

He gave AG Barr authority to handle the declassification, so there would be no appearance of impropriety on his own part if the investigation leads to criminal charges.

The media trots out psychiatrists who are willing to violate all of their medical oaths by diagnosing Trump as mentally ill based on news snippets. Yet Trump, along with Attorney General William Barr, have been the least chaotic figures imaginable throughout Russiagate.

It would be tremendous fun to watch Trump put on some brass knuckles and work the Obama hacks over, it’s probably not going to happen. He’s relying on AG Barr to use a scalpel (or maybe a shiv), even though we’d all like to see some rhetorical blunt force trauma applied to James Comey, John Brennan and others.

The second reason why we haven’t seen any declassified documents yet is because the Deep State is furiously resisting Attorney General William Barr. The principal actor in this, according to reports from inside the White House, is Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

I’d like to know which member of the Trump White House recommended Coats for the job. It’s not as if Dan Coats had a huge fan base among patriotic Americans when he was serving as a US Senator for Indiana.

Imagine Trump’s horror in 2018 when he finally realized that his Director of National Intelligence was actually a full-fledged, tinfoil-hat-wearing, Russian collusion conspiracy kook.

Coats testified before the anti-Trump Senate Intelligence Committee, where he told his old gang of Trump-hating buddies in the Senate GOP, “We expect Russia to continue using propaganda, social media, false-flag personas, sympathetic spokespeople and other means of influence to try to exacerbate social and political fissures in the United States… The Russians have a strategy that goes well beyond what is happening in the United States. While they have historically tried to do these types of things, clearly in 2016 they upped their game.”


Only the dumbest, frothing-at-the-mouth CNN fan believes any of that at this point. The DNC “hack” in which Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s emails were stolen happened with the use of a USB thumb drive.

Nobody from Russia hacked the DNC’s servers. The Mueller report has a fanciful description of teams of hackers inside the Kremlin posting stories about Hillary Clinton on Twitter. But aside from some Russians who attempted to sell pro-Clinton and pro-Sanders T-shirts on Facebook, there isn’t a single shred of proof in the entire report that anyone from Russia did anything that had any impact on the 2016 election.

Coats was lying to the Senate. And according to White House insiders, Coats is now the one who is dragging his feet and protesting over every single document that Attorney General William Barr wants to declassify.

Maybe that’s why Trump is now wanting to fire Coats and replace him with someone who is not a Russian collusion kook. Hopefully that will happen very soon.

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